Project CARS : une nouvelle mise à jour sur PS4, la Xbox One sera servie en fin de semaine
Les possesseurs de Project CARS seront sans doute intéressés d'apprendre qu'une mise à jour est dès à présent disponible sur PS4, alors que la Xbox One ne sera pas servie avant la fin de la semaine. La nouvelle provient des forums officiels du jeu, où sont listés les améliorations et autres ajustements pensés par les développeurs de Slightly Mad Studios. On vous laisse découvrir tout ça juste en-dessous, en rappelant que Project CARS 2 est actuellement en chantier sur Steam OS, Xbox One, PC et PS4.
Project CARS – PS4 Patch 7.0 – Release Notes
UDP streaming support
The UDP stream extension has been developed to allow 3rd party app developers the opportunity to receive telemetry data from the game. It is based mainly on the ‘Shared Memory API’ with a number of extensions to transmitted data.
The option is enabled via the ‘Game play’ menu ‘UDP mode’. This can be selected between off and 1-9. The number represents the UDP streaming data rate as follows:
UDP off
UDP 1 60/sec (16ms)
UDP 2 50/sec (20ms)
UDP 3 40/sec (25ms)
UDP 4 30/sec (32ms)
UDP 5 20/sec (50ms)
UDP 6 15/sec (66ms)
UDP 7 10/sec (100ms)
UDP 8 05/sec (200ms)
UDP 9 01/sec (1000ms)
The stream is sent to a broadcast address ( on port 5606.
Project CARS – PS4 Patch 7.0 – Release Notes
- Reworked the dynamic race-end timer feature. In public races, the timer is 75% of the slowest moving car's lap time. In private races and passworded public races, the timer is 150% of slowest moving car's lap time.
- Neutralized the top speed advantage of running zero camber on many tires.
- Reduced flash layer temperature cap for GT3/LMP and other slick tires to make them less prone to overheating.
- Classic Lotus cars: Disabled patch-to-hub on several tyre carcass models as it was creating a strong low-speed FFB buzz.
- Update to latest Fanatec SDK, Re-instated 2nd DPAD support for CSRE based on latest SDK functionality
- Corrected the German name for the LMP3 UK Semi-Pro Championship
- Rouen Short – Reworked the AI paths around the hairpin area to try and keep the historic cars from running up the hill on exit when in tight packs.
- Repositioned the cockpit camera view to a proper center point for a number of vehicles that were reported to be incorrectly positioned.
- Lotus 40 and 49 - Rebalanced the AI vehicle volume.
- Fixed various game crash issues reported by customers.
UDP streaming support
The UDP stream extension has been developed to allow 3rd party app developers the opportunity to receive telemetry data from the game. It is based mainly on the ‘Shared Memory API’ with a number of extensions to transmitted data.
The option is enabled via the ‘Game play’ menu ‘UDP mode’. This can be selected between off and 1-9. The number represents the UDP streaming data rate as follows:
UDP off
UDP 1 60/sec (16ms)
UDP 2 50/sec (20ms)
UDP 3 40/sec (25ms)
UDP 4 30/sec (32ms)
UDP 5 20/sec (50ms)
UDP 6 15/sec (66ms)
UDP 7 10/sec (100ms)
UDP 8 05/sec (200ms)
UDP 9 01/sec (1000ms)
The stream is sent to a broadcast address ( on port 5606.
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