Un patch pour FIFA 13

C'est sur le blog officiel de FIFA 13 qu'Electronic Arts annonce qu'un patch pour la version PC est dès à présent disponible en téléchargement, sachant que ce sera le cas sur Xbox 360 et PS3 dans le courant du week-end. Notre champion Florian Velter aura ainsi l'occasion de peaufiner ses stats en ligne. Ah oui, l'éditeur américain prévoit également des opérations de maintenance sur ses serveurs, dont une qui a déjà eu lieu hier.
- Connection stability in Online Seasons when finding an opponent in the Arena, and at kick-off.
- Career Mode freeze while starting a new career with free agents.
- Career Mode hangs when using Game Face.
- Stability in Career Mode when players retire or are being bought back from loan.
- Users will no longer be able to lower difficulty settings in a FUT Seasons match.
- Freeze in FUT Online Tournament HUB on PS3.
- Napoli of Serie A will now have fully authentic kits and crests in FIFA and FIFA Ultimate Team.
- Legacy defending and passing assistance options removed in Pro Clubs.
- Freeze in Pro Clubs Results screen.
- Matchmaking settings in Pro Clubs (with "ANY" and "Match Keeper") will provide the desired results.
- Changes made in National Squad not properly reflected in Manager Mode screen.
- (PC Only) Freeze while retrieving Hospitality Settings.
Maintenance - October 11th (expect online service downtime)
- Work on the Auction House in FIFA Ultimate Team.
- Changes to error messaging in FIFA Ultimate Team Web and the EA SPORTS Football Club app.
- Leaderboards not displaying the correct gamertag.

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