Borderlands patché sur Xbox 360 et PS3

Disponible depuis le 23 octobre sur consoles, Borderlands a déjà droit à un premier patch sur Xbox 360 et PS3. C'est en effet ce que l'on apprend sur les forums officiels de Gearbox Software, qui profite de l'occasion pour préciser que des améliorations seront régulièrement apportées au jeu. Pour l'anecdote, on rappelle que la version PC de Borderlands est sortie la semaine dernière.
Patch PlayStation 3
- Load times have been improved
- Lilith's Phase Strike ability now works as intended
- The introductory quests with CL4P-TP should now always progress properly
- fixed a bug that caused the digger elevator to be unusable after completing the Find Tannis mission
- Weapon mapping to the D-pad should no longer reverse left and right
- fixed a crash when ejecting the disc during the autosave warning splash screen
- Players in a lobby should no longer experience long loading when starting a game after one player leaves
- A bug which caused players and other things in the world to appear incorrectly on clients in networked games has been fixed
- fixed a bug in which players gibbed in arena combat disappeared
- Changed how space required for saves is calculated
- fixed a bug which caused the dollars counter to spin continuously
- various localization and other text and tooltip corrections
Patch Xbox 360
- Fixed a bug which caused players and other things in the world to appear incorrectly on clients in networked games
- fixed a bug in which players gibbed in arena combat disappeared
- fixed a bug which caused the dollars counter to spin continuously
- fixed a bug that caused the digger elevator to be unusable after completing the Find Tannis mission
- Weapon mapping to the D-pad should no longer reverse left and right
- various localization and other text and tooltip corrections
- The introductory quests with CL4P-TP should now always progress properly all the time
- Lilith's Phase Strike ability now works as intended
- Load times have been improved

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