Team Fortress 2 : un patch Xbox 360

Valve Software ne se contente pas de bichonner Team Fortress 2 uniquement sur PC, puisque le studio vient de mettre en téléchargement un patch pour la Xbox 360, sur le Xbox Live. En plus d'éliminer les quelques bugs résiduels, ce correctif apporte surtout un meilleur équilibrage des forces en présence, ce qu'apprécieront les possesseurs de The Orange Box.
Patch Team Fortress 2 Xbox 360
Patch Team Fortress 2 Xbox 360
- Fixed a medic invuln exploit.
- Fixed grenades going through players or buildings.
- Fixed exploit with rockets causing damage through thin walls.
- Fixed exploit allowing snipers to fire faster than intended.
- Fixed exploit allowing players to teleport with the intelligence.
- Fixed exploit attaching sappers to buildings through walls.
- Fixed spy backstab exploit.
- Fixed spy being able to attack without dropping his disguise.
- Medics no longer heal enemy spies when they're not disguised.
- Tweaked autobalance calculations.
- When an engineer dies in sudden death, his buildings explode.
- Fixed stats sometimes not reporting correctly.
- Added a dialog to indicate when the host shuts down the server.
- Added rumble to TF weapons.
- Fixed ping column sometimes getting hidden in some resolutions.
- Added 10 and 14 player game sizes.
- Prevent hosts selecting game sizes above their bandwidth limits.
- Improved handling of large network packets to eliminate bandwidth spikes.
- Reduced respawn times for smaller games.

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