SSFII Turbo HD Remix : le patch en ligne

Comme l'annonçait Capcom il y a plusieurs jours sur son blog officiel, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix profite aujourd'hui d'un patch qui s'attache essentiellement à la suppression des inévitables bugs résiduels, et améliore également le confort du jeu en ligne. Naturellement, cette mise à jour concerne aussi bien la Xbox 360 que la PlayStation 3 sur laquelle le jeu de baston n'est arrivé qu'au mois de février dernier.
Patch Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
- After a number of games, the HUD will be corrupt. Yellow lifebars will freeze, the round counter flags will all be on, and the names will show more than one name. (Both)
- Frequent disconnects during VS transition screen. Often caused by selecting START color of character. (Both)
- Title crashes if user has a large friends list and tries to access the friends list (PS3)
- Rating being set to "0" and from then on, rating remains at "0". Once that patch goes live, we'll reset all leaderboards/scoreboards. (Both)
- Vega sometimes causing desyncing, especially when using the fake wall dive. (Both).
- Lobby list containing full rooms instead of only rooms that users can enter. (Both).
- Zangief Super Motion not working on both sides and in both directions.
- During the start of the match, there is slight slowdown. This has been minimized as much as possible. (PS3).
- If connecting to a ranked match through the quick match function, it is best out of 3 rather than best out of 5. It should always be best out of 5.(Both)
- Sending messages via XMB during a game causes a freeze. (PS3)
- Players not added to "Players Met" list. (PS3)
- Analog and D-pad can accept input at the same time. (Both)
- Player stats not reporting correctly.

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