Space Empire V passe la 1.66

Space Empire V passe la 1.66

Sorti l'année dernière aux Etats-Unis, et seulement en mai dernier en Europe, Space Empire V bénéficie aujourd'hui d'un nouveau patch 1.66 - destiné à la version nord-américaine - , un correctif visant avant tout à améliorer l'interface du jeu, et rendre l'I.A. plus coriace. Le fichier est accessible ici.

Patch 1.66 Space Empire V

1. Fixed - More AI improvements.
2. Fixed - If you received a tech level through trade or treaty, the expected benefits would not reflect the new level on the Research window.
3. Added - Multiple upgrades of items are now condensed into single log item reports.
4. Added - Vehicle class name to the Fleet Transfer window.
5. Fixed - Combat replays would replay incorrectly if the combat took place in an asteroid field or nebulae.
6. Added - Script Function "Sys_Is_Sector_In_System".
7. Added - Formula function "get_empire_ability_facility_count" was not being recognized.
8. Added - Formula function "get_empire_specific_facility_count" was not being recognized.
9. Added - Formula function "get_empire_queues_ability_facility_count" was not being recognized.
10. Added - Formula function "get_empire_queues_specific_facility_count" was not being recognized.
11. Fixed - You can only reply to a message once but you can reply to old messages.

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Space Empire V en Europe Récemment sorti aux Etats-Unis, Space Empire V sortira également en Europe grâce à Empire Interactive. Images à l'appui. 23/11/2006, 17:20