Resistance 2 : un patch en approche

C'est sur le PlayStation.Blog de Sony Computer Entertainment qu'Insomniac Games a officialisé l'arrivée du patch 1.40 pour Resistance 2. Disponible plus exactement à partir du 26 janvier prochain sur le PlayStation Network, il devrait surtout aider les joueurs ayant perdu le statut de leur personnage suite à un reset, de récupérer tous leurs points d'expérience, plus ceux qu'ils ont cumulé entre temps. Bien vu. Quelques bugs liés aux Trophées ont également été supprimés, et la prise en main de certaines armes a été améliorée.
Additional Patch 1.40 details :
- “Salute Me” trophy is not awarded until player reaches level 31 (Lieutenant)
- “Berserker” trophy can be collected during non-ranked games
- “Survivor” medal can be collected in cooperative games
- “Sure Shot” ribbon is awarded if player has accuracy of exactly 50%
- Added clan support for viewing members, sending invites, and setting up clan tags
- Default clan region is now USA
Match Balancing
- Unbalanced ranked games are cancelled in staging before the game is started
- Parties are prevented from matchmaking into free-for-all Deathmatch games
- Loadouts can be disabled in the “Create Game” screen in competitive games
- Balanced the chance of dropping large ammo pickups in competitive games
- Core Control scoreboard displays “Kills”
- Improved scoreboard formatting
- Balanced the amount of XP gained by the Medic class in cooperative games
- Stalker movement enabled in cooperative games
- Small ammo pickups don’t give LAARK ammo in cooperative games
- Splash damage on Pulse Cannon can damage the player firing it
- Rossmore reticule better reflects its accuracy
- Fire is easier to shake off
- Players cannot swap weapons in the middle of a melee attack
- Localized text updates
- Network message optimizations
- EULA displays the correct language text for Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish and Danish

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