Déjà un patch pour Counter-Strike Global Offensive

Déjà un patch pour Counter-Strike Global Offensive
Disponible depuis moins d'une semaine sur le Xbox Live Arcade, le PSN et PC, Counter-Strike Global Offensive dispose déjà d'un premier patch comme le fait savoir Valve Software par le biais de Steam. Certaines retouches portent sur le gameplay, tandis que d'autres s'occupent d'éliminer quelques bugs.


- Exposed a classic dynamic crosshair style in the options that represents the weapons spread accurately.
- Implemented first person client flinching. Now a player gets aim punched a bit when shot. The amount is based on the damage.
- Increased amount of tagging that results from hits.

- Fixed the scoreboard turning toggleable in the end match state.
- fixed not being able to bring up the pause menu without dismissing the scoreboard in the end match state.
- Parallelized matchmaking results analysis process and reduced time game takes to perform matchmaking.
- Improved matchmaking algorithm giving more weight to dedicated servers ping during matchmaking results analysis.

- Removed the implicit dependency on round-limited matches so servers that want to use mp_timelimit instead can. Mp_timelimit is used only if mp_maxrounds is set to 0.
- Exposed mp_forcecamera convar.
- Exposed set of server hibernate convars.
- Fixed code that was preventing mapper-placed weapons.

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