Tomb Raider Underworld : le contenu dat

Tomb Raider Underworld : le contenu dat

Eidos Interactive nous donne enfin des nouvelles de Beneath the Ashes, le contenu additionnel de Tomb Raider Underworld. Inexplicablement reporté à quelques heures de sa mise en ligne sur le Marketplace de la Xbox 360, ce premier pack exclusif à Microsoft débarquera finalement le 24 février. Jason Walker, l'éminent membre d'Eidos qui a lâché l'information sur les forums officiels du jeu, en profite pour nous apprendre que 948 Mo d'espace disque seront nécessaire pour  accueillir cette première salve, tandis que la seconde - Lara's Shadow, programmé pour le 10 mars - demandera 1,07 Go. Enfin,  notre homme nous informe que Beneath the Ashes devrait être accompagné d'une grosse mise à jour qui règlera un certain nombre de bugs, dont voici d'ailleurs la liste :

• In some circumstances reward progress could be lost when restarting TRU either through a save game reload, or through starting a new game.
• In rare circumstances, animated water running down walls (textures) in TRU could cease to animate.
While being “teleported” during a cinematic (where the player will end the cinematic in a new position), there were rare circumstances where Lara would be left with a very high velocity which caused her current or next jump to throw her much further.
While executing an adrenaline attack (which causes the game to go into a “bullet time” slow motion effect), if the player restarted the game, or reloaded a save game, the subsequent menu animation for costume and weapon selection would be in slow motion.
• Under rare circumstances the player could teleport from one fluid movement primitive to another.
• Under some circumstances Lara could “miss” picking up a portable object, which led to her having to re-attempt the pick up.
• Under certain circumstances the full screen effects for adrenaline mode could become corrupted.
• Under rare circumstances engaging and pulling an object with the grapple caused a crash.
• Fixed numerous issues in the code that was causing conflicts between OLAPI and the system listener relating to saving loading and mounting of downloadable content packs.
• Fix for crash when loading a game that was previously saved
while the player was inserting an object
• Fixed a rare crash when trying to load a save game on
level 5.
• Fixed a bug where the player could force the slow down from the adrenaline mode to never end (even though the mode itself had ended).
• When downloading content from Xbox Live, the current language selection no longer gets changed back to English when the new content is mounted.
• When mounting DLC content, the content is now properly associated with a user profile to support HDD roaming.
• Other minor issues addressed.

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Hung Nguyen

le vendredi 20 février 2009, 11:48

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