Pas de DLC pour Green Day : Rock Band

Aussi étonnant que cela puisse paraître, Harmonix Music Systems affirme qu'aucun contenu additionnel ne sera proposé pour Green Day : Rock Band. Le studio de développement explique en effet que pour la première fois, une animation (capture de mouvement des musiciens ainsi que les décors au second plan) a été créée spécifiquement pour chacun des 47 morceaux qui composent le jeu. En guise de DLC, il faudra ainsi se contenter des six morceaux d'ores et déjà disponible sur le Rock Band Music Store.
"One of the reasons we could do open-ended DLC for The Beatles is that it's all tiny clips, and we could just reconfigure them for different songs as needed — and dreamscape backgrounds similarly had that.
With this, we're really creating sculpted experiences for every single song; there's an animation that plays all the way through, pretty much. That's something that's not really practical to do open-ended. So we decided we were going to make DLC just about finishing 21st Century Breakdown, using the DLC that was already out.
That created a great three-album game, and also let us give each of those [six DLC tracks] unique assets, more than we could easily pack into a DLC pack. Those songs have their own video-wall assets, their own [motion capture]."